Blogging 201:Day 1.Set 3 Goals


I have done some thinking, since this assignment was first posted, about what I aim to achieve in this blog. Up to this point I have mainly blogged by doing the assignments for the wordpress courses. I have another blog and I feel safe in saying that I know where that one is going. It has three weekly  features, one of which is a guest post day, and I am rarely stumped for something to write. This one, though, is more difficult, but I think any goals should be for after the courses are completed and I am on my own.

Here is what I hope to achieve.


  1. I want to publish one post per week in addition to the weekly feature I already have which, believe it or not, my cat writes.
  2. I would like to double my daily views in the first six months of 2016. Although I want to attract new followers I am more concerned with establishing a core group who return to my blog weekly or daily.
  3. I would like to have at least ten fellow bloggers whom I interact with on a weekly if not daily basis.


I realize that this will require time and work.  I will have to read and comment on more blogs to establish a rapport with other bloggers.  I will need to write interesting, up-to-date posts that bring people back to my site. Fortunately, I love blogging, so the time and effort will not seem like a sacrifice .

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